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Capital Kegels 


We provide monthly equipment rentals that help moms at any stage regain confidence after having children. Say goodbye to bladder leaks and muffin tops! Easy home delivery, setup, and full instructions are provided by trained healthcare professionals.


How are we different? Instead of weekly in-office appointments over the course of a month, enjoy your appointments at home, any time any day for 30 days hassle-free. The same medical grade treatment without the run around. Your body, your home, your choice! Let us help you regain your strength and confidence, postpartum and beyond.



Our machines provide involuntary maximal muscle contractions using HIFEM technology, to rebuild muscles lost during pregnancy and delivery. This muscle strengthening resolves common issues such as bladder leaks, pelvic floor weakness, and the not-so-favorite- post- partum muffin top. Like a boot camp for your lady parts!​



  • ​11,000 Kegels in each 30-minute session

  • 20,000 sit-ups in each 30-minute session

  • Non-invasive & painless

  • Safe and effective

  • FDA & Health Canada Approved Treatments

  • 24/7 Accessibility and equipment support



For post-partum and   Beyond 


Kegels & Sit-ups are hard. We'll do them for you 😉

HIFEM is one of the industry’s most revolutionary technology to date. It engages your muscles with high-intensity electromagnetic fields, causing "supramaximal" contractions not otherwise capable of by normal exercise. Treatment is completely non-invasive and painless, providing the benefits of a vigorous workout without requiring you to do anything.

At least 1 in 3  women will experience a pelvic floor disorder in her lifetime.

Fortunately, most pelvic floor dysfunction is treatable.


With more than a decade of professional healthcare experience, we've made Accessibility and Transparency top priority. We offer options you deserve, at prices you can afford.

It's not Always about how you look.....It's about how you feel. 

Feel Strong

Feel Confident  

Are you one of 3.3 million Canadians suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction or weak core muscles?

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The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that sits like a trampoline at the base of your pelvis supporting your reproductive organs and helping control your bladder and bowel movements. The pelvic and core muscles work together to support the spine and control the pressure inside the abdomen


If any of the muscles of the ‘core’ are weakened or damaged (ex. during pregnancy), symptoms of pelvic fullness, painful sex, constipation, urinary frequency and back pain may develop (Just to name a few!!)  Eventually, daily life activities have the potential to overload the pelvic floor. Over time this strain on the pelvic floor may result in loss of bladder or bowel control, or pelvic organ prolapse. 


At least 1 in 3  women will experience a pelvic floor disorder in her lifetime. Fortunately, most pelvic floor dysfunction is treatable. You are not alone and you don't have to live with it. If you or someone you know is suffering from any of the following symptoms or wants to prevent them, simply book an appointment online or give us a call and learn how we can help.


We don't match competition
 We beat them!

- Dedicated to accessibility 
- At least 40% lower prices than competition guaranteed.
- Friendly & Confidential Service


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